
Any time I think about registering for an actual domain name for my blog, remind me that I suck at updating this blog. I would love to say that I’ve been unusually busy lately, but I haven’t — I’ve gone on another California vacation since my last update, but other than that I’ve only been working 40 hours per week between my job and two internships.

I started a new running program. It’s a 4-day-per-week 10k training program. After my half marathon, I took some time off and decided to start a very basic training program so I could work on speed and stamina without worrying about finishing a really long run. I’ll be signing up for a 5k in October, but other than that, I don’t see myself doing any other races until next May’s half marathon. So lame, I know, but I really need to start training more seriously before I can justify paying for another run. Currently I can run a couple of miles on the treadmill at 5.0. I can run outside for a couple of miles at 4.5 (with a little bit of walking). I need to get into the “running zone” or whatever it is that allows people to just GO and GO CONSISTENTLY. So any advice is welcome, people!

I’m also actively trying to lose 20-40 pounds. I definitely need to lose weight regardless of my running goals, but I’m hoping the loss will help me with speed. It’s such a bummer that I keep reading articles about how tall/large people aren’t particularly suited for being distance runners. I know there are anomalies, but I know I’m not one. So, basically, I am in for a pretty big battle to reach my running goals, so hopefully weight loss helps. If I could just stay away from all the bad foods. All of them.

What else? Nothing else. I need to update with photos from California. School is starting in 16 days, at which time I can say farewell to anything but schoolwork, work, and running 3-4 times each week. I can’t wait to be done!

So again — running advice, runners. I NEED IT.

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